Art as Our Escape: The Artscape Recap

Baltimore- a city THRIVING with history, vibrance, culture, and ART! Especially in the Station North Arts and Entertainment District, where many of the 2017 ARTSCAPE festivities took place.

For those who aren’t familiar with Artscape, it’s basically a free arts festival held each year that promotes and showcases the various forms of artistic creations. It usually takes place during mid-late July, starting Friday and ending Sunday. It’s pretty much a playground for anyone who loves art. If you’ve never been to the Station North Arts and Entertainment District in Baltimore, you should definitely check it out! It’s a community filled with various theaters, musical venues, urban row homes adorned with beautiful graffiti, and plenty of places to grab a bite to eat. Right around the corner is MICA (the Maryland Institute of Arts), a place where many aspiring artists and creatives develop and thrive.

Many folks walked the streets of Cathedral, North Ave., and Mount Royal (just to name a few) to check out the plethora of artistic works and products showcased in the various festival tents. The aroma of char-grilled foods filled the humid summer air. Rain trickled from the sky but no one really cared because 1) it was hot as heck, so the rain actually felt good 2) It’s ARTSCAPE! It goes on- rain or sunshine! Musicians and singers graced the main stage to fill the atmosphere with tunes from multiple decades. A youth dance company elegantly danced to the beats of their own tunes. Emerging young musicians and singers performed under professional instruction at the Meyerhoff (symphony hall). Haagen-Dazs gave away free pineapple-coconut ice cream (OMG it was so good). There was no fighting, or foolishness. It was just all about ART and LOVE- two things that seem to always bring people together.

If you didn’t make it to Artscape this year, GO NEXT YEAR! Even if it’s just for one day. It’ll be time well spent and you won’t regret it. Intake and let inspiration consume you. Meanwhile, check out Sheila E. rock out during her performance at the festival on Friday!