Google graciously provided the 2017 DC Web Fest with handheld cardboard virtual reality (VR) boxes. A box of pure fun, the devices allow users to download various apps that provide different VR experiences. For example, one app (VR Trippy) provides a trippy-psychedelic experience with an array of vibrant, bright, flashy colors. Upon looking through the box into the bright, neon virtual world, I imagined my favorite EDM song and got the urge to dance.
Another really cool VR mobile app is VR Roller Coaster Virtual Reality. The user sits front row on a loopy roller coaster in a world with blue skies and bright green grass. The experience makes you want to throw your hands up and intake the virtual wind as the roller coaster races on the track.
There are numerous VR apps for one to enjoy the Google cardboard VR experience; however, one should be warned to enjoy in moderation! Excessive use may cause symptoms of motion sickness (with some folks). A cardboard VR viewer can be purchased for about $15
at Check it out!