An Excellent New Year

Happy Happy New Year from your DC Web Fest fam!  This is Diana here, and I just want to share a little bit of what has been on my heart lately. EXCELLENCE. It's not just something you do, it's what you are. Each day when we wake up, whether it's cloudy or sunny, snowing or raining, we should fix our minds to be EXCELLENT! Now on our journey to excellence, we will FAIL and make MISTAKES; However, these things are only steps that make you stronger on your path to excellence. How can one build muscles unless there is some resistance?

So, I'm sure you're wondering why the Prince magazine covers above. Simply put, he was one of the best to do it. He realized he was musically inclined at a very young age, mastering numerous instruments by his teenage years. How many other musicians have you seen on the front cover of multiple instrument magazines? Prince took what he had and ran FAR with it all the way up to his last day on earth, paving the path for the following generations.

Everyone was sent to this earth with DOPE talents and gifts- it's just a matter of tapping into them. Don't know what your "thing" is? Well, it's usually something that you don't mind losing sleep over. It's usually something you think about and desire often. It's usually something that just comes natural. Practicing and learning it doesn't really seem like "work", but fun because you enjoy it so much. Once you tap into your gift(s)/passion(s), decide you're going to be the absolute best you possible can and only measure yourself against yourself, aiming to be better each day.

Bottom line- whatever you love to do, BECOME THE BEST AT IT! Practice and study, study and practice. Be relentless. Don't make a New Years Resolution this year. Make a lifetime decision to divorce your hindering bad habits and marry excellence. It'll be one of the greatest relationships you can have in life.

For geniuses who are living out your passion(s) through creating digital media, there's still time to show us what you've got! Who knows, your work just may be featured at the 2018 DC Web Fest.

Take care,

Diana A. Eaton