Photo credit: Otessa Ghadar
As many of you know, we are working on our newest project, “Conversations with Hysterical Womxn” through our sister company 2020 Productions. The project will consist of a series of interviews that focus on the horrible effects of toxic cultures on womxn. You’ll enjoy a variety of perspectives stemming from different races, cultures, industries, backgrounds, etc.
Toxic culture is ubiquitous. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. we see it on tv, we hear it on the radio, we witness it first hand on many jobs. Toxic culture comes in many forms - discrimination, biases, hypocrisy, prejudice, abuse, neglect, lack of self-care, gaslighting, etc. The list goes on and on.
We’re calling this stuff out. Straight up. We’re having real conversations, with real people who are tired of being told, “well I didn’t see it”, or “It didn’t happen to me so…” or “just keep quiet to keep peace”. So many people all over are suffering in silence because they are afraid to speak out due to the many possible repercussions. This project is all about speaking up and putting stuff out there so we can work towards shunning these toxic cultures. Just because toxicity is the norm set forth by toxic people, doesn’t mean YOU have to conform to it. It’s NOT ok.
Let’s set a standard. Let’s speak out.
Peace & Love.